Q&A with Nigel Williams of Dinton Farm

FARMING IS IN MY BLOOD. My family's been producing free-range eggs in the heart of Buckinghamshire for over a quarter of a century. About five years ago, I took over 400 new acres of grassland, woodland and meadows with a view to using all my family's knowledge to become best-in-class for animal welfare and conservation.

I’M PROUD TO BE THE FIRST CONSERVATION-GRADE FARMER IN MY FIELD. To earn the certification, we worked with the Woodland Trust to plant wildflower meadows teaming with bee-friendly plants, promote our woodland habitats and look after our resident barn owls. We're also the only free-range egg producer in the country to be part of the LEAF scheme, ensuring the very highest environmental standards.

I BELIEVE HAPPY HENS LAY THE TASTIEST EGGS. My little flock of 'ladies' roam free in grassy meadows and live in bespoke hen houses with lower stocking densities than average free-range poultry farms. Their diet is the clover they roam on and the grain that we grow and mill right on the farm, something that helps reduce our carbon footprint. We collect our eggs daily, sending them on the short distance to The Woodworks within 48 hours for super freshness.

CARING FOR NATURE DRIVES EVERYTHING WE DO. It's all about looking after the land and our flock by working with nature's cycle, not against it. We turn the crops we grow into nutritious feed for our hens, which in turn results in nutritious eggs for our customers. We're small and operating on a sympathetic scale - and that's just the way we like it.