Q&A with Tim's Dairy

Making yoghurt is family affair for us. The Timotheou family has produced British-made, Greek-heritage yogurt for generations. Our uncle started making fresh live yogurt in a little basement in Warren Street in London’s Soho back in 1949 and was soon joined by our father, Michael Timotheou. Over 70 years later, us four brothers are still carrying on the family business together, only now we’re making Greek style bio live yogurt in the Chilterns.

Delicious, healthy yoghurt is at the heart of everything we know. All the yogurt we’ve ever made has been inspired by generations-old knowledge and recipes. We grew up helping out to produce the yogurt, washing up the old-fashioned glass pots and sealing the ultra-fresh yogurts by hand. We picked up our father’s passion and knowledge as we went.

Our heritage is in every pot. in 1996 we moved to a former dairy in Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire. Much has changed since the post-war days when our British customers barely knew what yogurt was. These days the health benefits of yogurt are well-known - our yogurt isn’t just thick, creamy and flavourful, it’s packed with calcium, B vitamins and bio-live cultures. And now rather than supplying the delis and cafes of Soho, we sell our range of yogurts to supermarkets like Waitrose and Ocado as well as today’s cafes like the Woodworks. We’ve come a long way from our roots but in many ways, everything remains the same - we’ve never lost sight of the skill and heart that has always made our yogurt the best it can be.

We’ve won accolades for what we do. Over the years we’re proud to have been recognised with many Great Taste Awards and industry prizes but none felt more heartfelt than winning Family Business of the Year. Coinciding with the 70th anniversary since uncle Euripedes started the business, it felt like the perfect moment for recognising how far we’d come and how much we remain true to our beginnings.

You can try Tim’s Dairy yogurt on the menu at the Woodworks on our banana bread and granola as well as topping our new banana vegan pancakes (pictured).