Our response to covid-19

We miss you, we miss trading, we miss life as we know it, however right now there is so much more at stake.

Since closing our doors last Tuesday we’ve all had to quickly adjust to this new way of life but more importantly right now it’s about respecting those who are in the eye of the storm. Our love and thoughts go out to those who are on the front line. Now also seems a good time to adapt how we keep in touch.

The elephant is very much in the room so pretending this isn’t happening, that it’s going to be easy or that this horror is going to be over any time soon is futile. We can only adjust one day at a time, remain calm and keep some kind or perspective.

To this end we have started our very own W Kitchen Stories newsletter and blog. Working with like-minded environmentally conscious, caring and professional people is what we are all about. Food writer and journalist Emily Kerrigan will continue to interview our local suppliers and producers who share in our ethos and offer you the chance to try some of our favourite recipe ideas which you can now try in the comfort of your own home.

In these crazy times, when it might be easy to let your fears run away with you, these tools in terms of adapting how we look at life, making a difference in how we choose to live, the type and quality of food we eat, may just be what you need to realise a new focus going forward, to keep your life and family grounded and maintain one’s sanity in these very troubled times.

Kim Sellers