Sustainable staples from The Organic Company

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I care about everything on the shelves at the W. That starts with only serving the best quality coffee, artisan-made cakes and local produce. But it's equally important to me that all our retail items are ethically sourced and have as little impact on the environment as possible. I wouldn’t sleep at night otherwise.

For me, buying responsibly for our future was an easy and obvious shift once I saw the world through my son's eyes. Cheap goods come at a cost - we’re all cottoning on to that - and I for one don't want to be fuelling the fire. My conscience won't stand for contributing to child labour or harming the planet so I’ve turned all my energy and attention to only buying what I need, sourcing ethically and with quality at the forefront of every buying decision.  

I like to know where my clothing, products and food comes from. It’s empowering to take that decision into your own hands and I’ve found that once you start, it’s really quite hard to stop.  So these days, all items sold at The W begin with a compatibility search.  The Organic Company is the perfect example of a brand I want to work with. Now over twelve years old, it has always shared my ethos. According to Joy Vasiljev, the company’s owner: "In a time when humanity needs to rethink the future to sustain life on this planet, we need to consider responsible business a necessary game-changer.  We imagine a world in which all businesses, regardless of size, take social, environmental and financial responsibility in all parts of the supply chain. We believe in the human ability to create change, we believe that respect comes when respect is given and we believe in the future".

We have selected a list of carefully chosen planet-friendly items from The Organic Company for sale at the W, online and in-store. We hope you enjoy browsing these lovely eco wares, like the organic reusable tea ware set (pictured above) or their little fabric lunch bags.